8. Nursing ethics through the life span

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کتابخانه: كتابخانه دانشگاه علوم پزشكی جندی شاپور (خوزستان)

موضوع : American Hospital Association,, k22, International Council of Nurses Code for Nurses,, k02, Patient's Bill of Rights,, k12, Ethics, Nur,Ethic,, k22, Abortion, Induce,, k22, Adolescen,, k22, Age,, k22, Altruis,, k22, Beneficenc,, k22, Chil,, k22, Codes of Ethic,, k22, Confidentialit,, k22, Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalitie,, k22, Conscienc,, k22, Decision Makin,, k22, Ethical Theor,, k22, Ethics, Professiona,, k22, Euthanasi,, k22, Euthanasia, Passiv,, k22, Family Relation,, k22, Freedo,, k22, Genetic Counselin,, k22, Health Care Rationin,, k22, Human Right,, k22, Infant, Newbor,, k22, Infant, Prematur,, k22, Informed Consen,, k22, Mental Competenc,, k22, Nurse-Patient Relation,, k22, Paternalis,, k22, Patient Advocac,, k22, Patient Car,, k22, Patient Right,, k22, Personal Autonom,, k22, Physician-Nurse Relation,, k22, Reproductive Techniques, Assiste,, k22, Resource Allocatio,, k22, Social Justic,, k22, Social Value,, k22, Terminal Car,, k22, Treatment Refusa,, k22, Virtue,, k 2, Case Report,, k 2, Revie

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